Find your pest in the left column on the chart below. The next column tells you our recommended solution. The third column gives you information about the rate at which to apply the insects or the application method. The last column gives you tips on how to use the products.
Pest Insect | Beneficial Insect | Rate or Method | Release info |
Aphids | Green Lacewing (Chrysoperla rufilabris) | 2 per sq foot 10k to 50k per acre 500 - 1000 per tree | Use 3 releases every 2 weeks |
Aphids | Ladybugs (Hippodamia convengens) | 2 - 5 per sq foot 1 gallon per 1/4 acre | Use 4 releases at 3 day intervals |
Artichoke Moth Larvae | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | Spray | Spray Artichoke heads |
Armyworms | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | Spray | Spray the affected area |
Black Currant Borers | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | Spray | Spray cutting and bushes |
Black Vine Weevils | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | Top Dressing | Hoe into soil or add to potting soil |
Brown garden snail | Decollate Snails (Rumina decollata) | Water then release in the evening, .1 - 1/sq ft | Put them out in groups of 3 or 4 in areas where they are likely to find brown snails. |
Cabbage Root Maggots | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | Top Dressing | Put in seed furrows or on roots |
Carpenter Worms | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | Injection | Inject Burrows |
Caterpillars (includes over 200 species of Lepidopterous insects) | Trichogramma | 1 - 5 per sq foot 40k to 200k per acre | Try to release during egg laying periods Releasing at 1 week intervals improves effectiveness |
Chinch Bugs | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | Use 7M per 1,000 sq ft | Spray the affected area |
Codling Moth | Trichogramma | 1 - 5 per sq foot 40k to 200k per acre | Try to release during egg laying periods Releasing at 1 week intervals improves effectiveness |
Codling Moth | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | Spray | Spray tree trunks & around drip line in Summer & Fall |
Corn Borers | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | 1 - 5 per sq foot 40k to 200k per acre | Try to release during egg laying periods Releasing at 1 week intervals improves effectiveness |
Corn Earworms | Trichogramma | 1 - 5 per sq foot 40k to 200k per acre | Try to release during egg laying periods Releasing at 1 week intervals improves effectiveness |
Corn Earworms | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | Spray | Use as a foliar spray or inject silks weekly |
Corn Rootworms | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | Top Dressing | Apply in seed furrows |
Cotton Bollworms | Trichogramma | 1 - 5 per sq foot 40k to 200k per acre | Try to release during egg laying periods Releasing at 1 week intervals improves effectiveness |
Crane Fly Larvae | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | Use 7M per 1,000 sq ft | Apply to soil early in the spring |
Cucumber Beetles | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | Top Dressing | Mix in mulch or apply in seed furrows |
Earwigs | Praying Mantids (Tenodera aridifolia sinensis) | Hatch in container or attach egg to branch | release early in spring |
Fire Ants | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | 1 million BN per ant hill | Mix contents with 3 1/2 gal of water. Pour 1/2 gal of the mixture down each mound |
Flea Larvae | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | Spraying | Spray on lawns or soil, keep moist |
Flea Beetles | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | Spraying | Mix in mulch or apply in seed furrows |
Flies (manure flies) | Fly Parasites (Mixed species) | 1000 per large animal | Release every 2 weeks during fly season |
Fruit Fly-Grey | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | Spraying | Spray into the soil |
Fungus Gnat | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | Top Dressing | Mix into potting soil |
Grubs | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | Use 7M per 1,000 sq ft | Spray soil when pests are in larval state in soil. |
Gypsy Moth | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | Spraying | Spray on lawns to kill migrating larvae |
Japanese Beetle Grub | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | Spraying | Spray on lawns or Mix into mulch |
June Bugs | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | Use 7M per 1,000 sq ft | Spray soil early in the spring |
Leafminers (citrus leafminers) | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | Use 7M per 350 sq ft | Apply to plants & soil. Adding 1 - 2 ozs wetting agent helps |
Leather Jackets | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | Injection | Inject into soil or mulch |
Mealybugs | Cryptolaemus | 1 - 5 per sq foot 500 - 5000 per acre | Use at first appearance of mealybug and continue as needed. |
Mole Cricket | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | Top Dressing | Apply to burrows, keep moist |
Onion Maggots | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | Top Dressing | Apply to furrows, keep moist |
Poplar Clearerwing Borers | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | Injection | Inject burrows |
Raspberry Crown Borers | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | Top Dressing | Mix into soil near base |
Root knot Nematodes | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | 25,000 per square foot | Use as soon as Root Knot Nematodes are suspected |
Scale - hard (red, yellow) | Aphytis melinus | 1 per 20 scales 1 per 2 sq feet 10,000 per acre 500 - 1000 per tree | Use 3 releases at 2 week intervals |
Scale - soft (black, brown) | Metaphycus helvolus | 1 per 20 scales 1 per 2 sq feet 3000 per acre | Use 4 releases at 10 day intervals |
Snails | Decolatte Snails | Water then release in the evening, .1 - 1/sq ft | Put them out in groups of 3 or 4 in areas where they are likely to find brown snails. |
Sod Webworms | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | Spraying | Spray onto sod, keep moist |
Spider Mites | Predatory Mites | 2 - 5 per plant .5 - 1 per sq foot 1k - 30k per acre | Use as needed |
Spruce Budworms | Trichogramma | 1 - 5 per sq foot 40k to 200k per acre | Try to release during egg laying periods Releasing at 1 week intervals |
Squash Vine Borer Larvae | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | Use 7M per 1,000 sq ft | Spray soil early in the spring |
Strawberry Weevils | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | Top Dressing | Mix into soil and/or apply to roots |
Thrips (western flower thrips, Chilean rose thrips, and more) | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | Use 7 million per 350 sq ft | Apply to buds & flowers and the soil. Adding 1 - 2 ozs wetting agent helps |
Thrips (western flower thrips, Chilean rose thrips, and more) | Green Lacewing (Chrysoperla rufilabris) | 2 per sq foot 10k to 50k per acre 500 - 1000 per tree | Use 3 releases every 2 weeks |
Tobacco Budworms | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | Spraying or Injection | Spray or Inject flowerbuds weekly |
Tomato Horn Worms | Trichogramma | 1 - 5 per sq foot 40k to 200k per acre | Try to release during egg laying periods Releasing at 1 week intervals |
Weevils | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | 7 million per 1000 sq ft 1 billion per 3.5 acres | Release when pests are in larval state in soil. Spray into tree trunks for borers. |
Whitefly | Encarsia Formosa | 5 parasites per plant 2 - 4 per sq foot | Use 4 releases at 2 week intervals |
Whitefly | Delphastus (Delphastus pusillus) | .1 per sq foot 25 per 250 - 500 sq feet | Use as needed |
Whitefly | Green Lacewing (Chrysoperla rufilabris) | 2 per sq foot 10k to 50k per acre 500 - 1000 per tree | Use 3 releases every 2 weeks |
White Grubs | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | Spraying | Spray or Mix into soil |
Wireworms | Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) | Top Dressing | Apply to seed furrows or transplant roots |
Wooly Aphids | Green Lacewing (Chrysoperla rufilabris) | 2-3 per sq foot | Release every 2 weeks |
Wooly Aphids | Ladybugs (Hippodamia convengens) | 2-5 per sq foot | Release at three week intervals |